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World Food India 2024

World Food India 2024

Date: 19-22 Sep 2024

Venue: Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi

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About WFI 2024

Recognizing the potential of food processing sector in transforming India as the food basket of the world, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India has adopted measures to channelize investments in food processing subsegments. This includes backward linkages, food processing equipment, processing related R&D, cold chain storage solutions, start-ups, logistic & retail chains, encompassing the entire food processing value chain.

With the objective of introducing the world to rich Indian food culture as well as promoting investments in the diverse food processing sector of the country, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries launched the first edition of World Food India in 2017. In view of celebrating 2023 as the International Year of Millets and to bring global food processing industry together, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries organized the second edition World Food India in 2023. This year World Food India 2024 will be organized from 19th to 22nd September 2024.

Focus Pillars

Food Irradiation: Ensuring Safety and Extending Shelf Life

Food irradiation is a pivotal area of focus for the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, marking a significant stride in ensuring food safety, security, and longevity. The Ministry recognizes food irradiation as a potent tool to mitigate foodborne illnesses, reduce post-harvest losses, and enhance food security, particularly in a nation like India, where food preservation and safety are paramount concerns. Further, this shall lead to the development of innovative value-added products while ensuring their safety and quality. By championing food irradiation as a focus area, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries underscores its commitment to fostering a resilient and sustainable food processing ecosystem, poised for the challenges of the future while safeguarding public health and promoting economic growth. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), supports research and innovation in food irradiation technologies to continuously improve and optimize the process. By fostering a science-based approach and robust regulatory framework, the Indian Government aims to enhance consumer confidence and facilitate the wider adoption of food irradiation in India. Food irradiation is a key focus area in the global food sector due to its significant contributions to food safety, shelf-life extension, international trade, environmental sustainability, and consumer acceptance. As technology advances and awareness increases, food irradiation is expected to play an even larger role in ensuring a safe and sustainable food supply for the growing global population.

By focusing on World Food India 2024, it is envisaged to highlight the critical role of food irradiation in enhancing food safety, extending shelf life, and reducing post-harvest losses. This initiative focuses on educating stakeholders about the benefits and applications of food irradiation technology in the food processing industry. By leveraging irradiation, the goal is to address key challenges such as microbial contamination, pest control, and spoilage, thereby ensuring that food products remain safe, nutritious, and of high quality from production to consumption.

Plant-based proteins: Innovations and Impact

The ‘Plant-Based Proteins: The Next Generation Ingredient’ pillar at World Food India 2024 highlights the transformative potential of plant-based proteins in reshaping the global food industry. As consumer preferences shift towards healthier and more sustainable food options, plant-based proteins are emerging as a vital ingredient. There have been several innovative advancements, opportunities, and impacts of plant-based proteins in India and worldwide.

Globally, the plant-based protein market is rapidly growing due to increased awareness of health benefits, environmental sustainability, and ethical considerations. Innovations are providing viable alternatives to animal-based products while enhancing nutritional profiles and culinary versatility. Ingredients like soy, peas, chickpeas, lentils, and other legumes are being developed into diverse products, from meat substitutes to dairy-free alternatives.

In India, the potential for plant-based proteins is substantial, given the country's agricultural diversity and traditional dietary preferences. With a large vegetarian population and a growing health-conscious consumer base, India is poised to lead in plant-based protein innovation. Indian food manufacturers are combining traditional knowledge with modern technology to create products for domestic and international markets. Indian startups and established companies are pioneering new plant-based protein products, driving economic growth and job creation. Collaborative efforts between scientists, farmers, and food technologists are enhancing the quality and scalability of plant-based protein production in India.

By focusing on plant-based proteins as the next generation ingredient, World Food India 2024 aims to promote sustainable and healthful eating practices, addressing global food security challenges, supporting environmental sustainability, and catering to evolving consumer preferences for a healthier future.

Minimum Waste, Maximum Value

The ‘Minimum Waste, Maximum Value’ pillar at World Food India 2024 focuses on the critical need for waste reduction and value maximization in India's food processing industry. India, as one of the largest food producers globally, faces significant challenges with food waste throughout the supply chain. Embracing minimum waste practices can transform these challenges into opportunities by converting waste into valuable by-products, enhancing efficiency, and promoting sustainability. This approach not only aligns with India's goals of resource efficiency and environmental stewardship but also drives economic growth by creating new revenue streams and reducing operational costs.

Globally, the minimum-waste movement is gaining momentum as industries recognize the environmental, economic, and social benefits of minimizing waste. Food waste contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and resource depletion. By adopting minimum waste strategies, such as upcycling by-products, improving supply chain efficiencies, and implementing circular economy principles, the food processing industry can significantly reduce its environmental impact. These practices not only benefit the planet but also enhance the industry's resilience and profitability.

By focusing on "Minimum Waste, Maximum Value," World Food India 2024 aims to inspire industry leaders to adopt sustainable practices that maximize resource utilization and minimize environmental impact, paving the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Sustainable Packaging in Food Processing Industries

The ‘Sustainable Packaging in Food Processing Industries’ pillar at World Food India 2024 addresses the urgent need for environmentally friendly packaging solutions within India's burgeoning food sector. India, with its vast and diverse food processing industry, faces significant challenges related to packaging waste and environmental pollution. By adopting sustainable packaging, Indian companies can reduce their environmental footprint, enhance the recyclability of materials, and meet the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products. This shift not only aligns with India’s environmental goals but also presents an opportunity for innovation and leadership in sustainable practices.

Globally, the food processing industry is under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable packaging solutions due to heightened awareness of environmental issues and stricter regulations. Packaging waste, particularly plastic, contributes significantly to pollution and environmental degradation. Sustainable packaging solutions, such as smart packaging, nanotechnology-based packaging, active packaging, edible packaging, biodegradable materials, recyclable packaging, and innovative designs that reduce material use, are critical in mitigating these impacts. Smart packaging incorporates sensors to monitor freshness, while nanotech packaging enhances barrier properties, extending shelf life. Active packaging interacts with food to maintain quality, and edible packaging reduces waste by being consumable. The adoption of these sustainable packaging innovations is not just a necessity but also a competitive advantage in the global market.

The latest advancements in sustainable packaging technologies, the role of policy and regulation, and the benefits of sustainable practices for businesses and the environment are pivotal. By focusing on sustainable packaging, World Food India 2024 aims to promote a greener future, fostering innovation and collaboration to address one of the most pressing challenges in the food processing industry.

Digitization in Food Value Chains

The ‘Digitization in Food Supply Chains’ pillar at World Food India 2024 highlights the transformative potential of digital innovation in revolutionizing the global food industry. As the world grapples with increasing food demand, the need for efficient, transparent, and sustainable food supply chains is greater than ever. This theme focuses on integrating advanced technologies such as blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data analytics to streamline the entire supply chain from farm to fork.

Blockchain technology plays a crucial role by offering unparalleled transparency and traceability, ensuring every step of the food journey is immutably recorded. This prevents food fraud, guarantees quality and safety, and builds consumer trust. IoT devices facilitate real-time monitoring of food products, providing precise control over storage conditions and transportation environments. This reduces waste, ensures food safety, and optimizes resource utilization, contributing to more resilient supply chains. AI-based data analytics and ML algorithms enhance decision-making by predicting demand, optimizing logistics, and automating routine tasks, thereby improving operational efficiency and reducing costs. Digital platforms foster collaboration among stakeholders, streamlining procurement, logistics, and distribution processes. This interconnectedness enhances coordination and ensures seamless operation across the supply chain. The digitization of food supply chains promises significant benefits for India, including cost reduction, minimized waste, enhanced food safety, and increased transparency.

By harnessing digital technologies, India’s food industry can build more resilient, efficient, and sustainable systems. This evolution addresses current challenges and paves the way for future innovations, ensuring the national food supply chain meets the growing demands of the population while maintaining high standards of quality and safety. World Food India 2024's focus on this pillar underscores the critical role of digital innovation in shaping the future of India's food industry.


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